Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Influencive I

In India cracking JEE is treated as arduous job and getting into IITs is ambition of all engineering aspirants. No doubt brand IIT add a lot to your resume and no doubt that the IITians are worshiped like god.
We ITians have a special privilege of residing on border line of this category of IITians. We accomplished the arduous job yet didn't got the pie. Sometimes we are considered as IITians and very next time become part of mushroomed unfamiliar engineering college. I had opportunity to represent my university in Table-Tennis in Inter-university and there my IT-Track was providing me identity of IITian and in the same trip I met an uncleji who didnt know about the college and told me that I had forgot how I admitted here it must be some state entrance test or AIEEE and can't be JEE.
Now we had NEWS that cabinet proposed the upgradation of IT-BHU to IIT-BHU and know that in a year or so this institute will joie de vivreradiance with the addition of dearly missed I attached to it.
I don't know the big flashback of this institute but still witnessed a lot of drama being played for the addition of I to its name. We entered the institute in 2004 and the word was on the street about upgrading this institute into IIT. Then the stage was set for upgrading this institute along with few others to upgrade. I remember the reaction of our batch mate Srikant ' Sabu' which he posted on yahoo groups in response to a mail forwarded by an alumni describing how other IITs are running campaign to stop the upgradation process.
The drama took halt the visit of a committee meant to site the feasibility of upgradation. After a long intermission of drama 'IIST' was the word that shook IT. Though govt. claimed upgradation but was obvious degradation of such institute. I recall Shahrukh's famous dialogue
"इतनी शिद्दत से मैने तुम्हे पाने की कोशिश की है कि हर जरे ने मुझे तुमसे मिलाने की शजिश की है"

IT was desiring the IIT tag with so much intense desire, that though it seemed that everything is over but
"ये भी हमारी हिन्दी फ़िल्मो की तरह रहा 'I' नही मिला मतलब अभी कहानी बाकी है मेरे दोस्त"

1 comment:

Yayaver said...

What is the effect of word "I" is seen on the mentality of ITBHU students.After gearing up for same exam and getting not even 1/10 th of fruit of reward seems unjustified.You correctively pointed out that fact.I hope from you to get more detailed account of emotions of ITians regarding this fact in your blog.